The most common sandwich in Denmark is probably the liver pâté Sandwich. Every school kid knows it, and often hates it due to the sometimes bare-bones minimum effort put into making it. This sandwich here we call “The Grey Lady”, and it’s a play on the traditional liver pâté ‘blah’ version – A serious upgrade if you will. It is not the most attractive sandwich, but it taste awesome. One last upgrade we could still add is using goose liver pate, but we couldn’t find any locally so that will have to wait.

Sandwich Recipe
- 1 slice of dark rye bread
- 1 tsp duck’s fat
- 4 tbs Truffle Liver Pate Mousse
- 1 slice of onion rings
- 3-4 roasted garlic
- 2 tbs fried onions
- 2 tsp olive oil
- pinch of green pepper (ground)
- pinch of rajma masala
Spread the ducks fat on the bread, and then add the truffle mousse. Cut a slice of an onion, and separate the rings, placing them around the sandwich. Add the roasted garlic, and top with fried onions. Sprinkle the green pepper and rajma masala on top, and finish with drops of olive oil.