It can sometimes be very hard to find a great liver paté in your local grocery stores. Thankfully, creating one from scratch is easier than you might think, and the result is amazing. This recipe was handed down to me from my step mother Maria, who wooed everyone she knew with this magic creation. It is simply the best liver pâté I have ever had anywhere, and that says a lot. It is also very easy to make, given you can find the raw ingredients, which are not that common anymore, but which any decent butcher should be able to divine.

Recipe Ingredients
- 250 g chopped liver (calf liver)
- Note: If you can’t find calf liver, get cow liver, and soak it overnight in whole milk. It’s a good approximation to the real deal (And what we used here)
- 100 g fat, preferably smoked
- Note: smoked fat = smoked bacon fat. If you can’t find it, instead buy the most fatty bacon you can from a butcher, and chop it up. That’s what we did,
- 1 egg
- 1 onion
- 1 1/2 dl whipping cream
- 2 tsp curry
- 2 squished garlic cloves
- salt and pepper.
- Optionally: 2 tsp paprika, 2 tsp fennel seeds
Note: NEVER taste raw meat !
Cut the bacon and onion into small pieces and add to your mixer. Add the egg, curry, garlic, salt and pepper (and optional spices), and mix until is is mostly smooth with a few small chunks here and there.
Cut the liver into 1×1 inch pieces and add to the mix. Add the cream, and mix in pulses again until it is smooth with a few chunks.
Place the mix in a 0ven-safe tray, and bake at 450 F for 50-60 minutes until golden brown on top.
while baking this pâté gives of the most delicious smell, and it just makes the whole endeavor even more worthwhile.
Let it cool, but be sure to make your first liver pâté sandwiches while it’s still warm. It’s awesome !
Note: Read why this is called Maria’s Liver Pâté.

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