I love eggs. I know there are people who can only enjoy eggs if it is combined with mulitiple other ingredients that camouflage the taste of the eggs themselves. Anders is one of those and for him, omelets is the solution. But for me there are those evenings when all I want for dinner is a meal of well-scrambled eggs. This was one of those times. This little delight was paired with a creamy garlic paste and served with tomatoes on lighty toasted English muffin.

Sandwich Recipe
- 2 eggs, scrambled
- 2 slices of tomato
- 1 stalk green onion
- 1/2 tsp dukkah
- 2 tsp creamy garlic paste (tarragon flavored)
- 1 English muffin
Making perfect scrambled eggs requires some amount of culinary skill. It sounds simple enough but it’s taken me years to find a way to prepare this dish adequately and perfection continues to elude me. According to Cooks Illustrated, the eggs should be “a dreamy mound of big, softly wobbling curds, yellow as a legal pad, glistening, a hair-breadth away from undercooking”. I recommend using this recipe to get your eggs just right.
Another item that just made this dish is the creamy garlic paste. I can’t quite describe it except to say I have tasted no other garlic product quite like this. It is made solely by Majestic Gardens, whose owners have managed to make a paste with the consistency of mayonnaise using raw garlic, flax seed oil and very little else. We buy it at our local farmers market and if you ever come across it, I recommend stocking up.
Toast the English muffin halves while the eggs are cooking. Discard the white portion of the green onion and finely slice the green end. You should have about 2-3 teaspoons.
While eggs and toast are both still warm, spread the garlic paste on both sides of the English muffin (1 tsp per side). On the bottom half, add the tomato slices, then pile the eggs on top. Sprinkle with the dukkah and garnish with the green onions. Enjoy!