Well our kitchen remodel is under way now, and today our old kitchen was reduced to rubble, and placed in a giant container outside the house. We are very excited to get the new one in about 4-6 weeks, and before the demilition began we had the sanity to make a few sandwiches and pizzas to keep things interesting while we await perfection. This weekend we shall attempt some sandwiches made entirely on our BBQ, and look forward to being creating. Until then, this is a little gem we made last week, falafel (great for sandwiches), with a nice homemade yogurt dressing. We hope you enjoy it.

Sandwich Recipe
- 1 slice of ciabatta bread
- 1/2 oz blue cheese (Roquefort)
- 3 slivers of red bell pepper
- 2 falafel
- 2 tbs paprika yogurt dressing
- 1/2 tsp dukkah
Crumble and spread out the Roquefort on the bread. Heat the bread and the two falafel in a toaster oven until the cheese has melted and the falafels are warm. Slice 3-4 thin red bell pepper slivers and place on the bread. Gently squeeze the falafel flat on top (so they don’t roll off), and spread the yogurt dressing on top. Sprinkle lightly with dukkah to taste.

This is such an amazing sandwich! I love the combination of falafels with the bread.
Also, thank you for commenting on my 9-grain rolls. I’ll take a photo of the crumb and post it tomorrow. My favorite Peter Reinhart book is “Crust and Crumb”, and I also really like his whole grain book.
Cool, I’ll look forward to some more pictures. We also really like Daniel Leader’s :Local Breads,” and we switch between that and “Crust and Crumb” all the time. 🙂