Saturday: Wake up. Shower. Get Dressed. Breakfast now, NO, kitchen remodel. Drink milk, drive to Escondido. Get mulch and rosebushes, look at avocado tree. Back, unload, Costco. Gas, Bank, Home. Hungry, NO, kitchen remodel! What to do? This. Simple, good, easy, fast, out the door again…

Ham Sandwich Recipe
- 1 slice of bread (Here seen with a Rosemary-Garlic bread).
- 3-4 slices of black forest ham
- 3 tsp Roquefort cheese
- 3 tsp goat cheese
- 2 tsp shredded Parmesan cheese
Spread the Roquefort on the bread and toast it lightly in a toaster oven until the cheese just starts to melt. Cover with the ham slices, and spread the goat cheese on top. Finally sprinkle the Parmesan on top.

Despite the rushed saturday, this was actually quote a good sandwich. The black forest ham is a little dry, but very tasty, and the goat/Roquefort cheeses really helps with the dryness. The Parmesan, well…, maybe that should be optional, although it’s not bad, as such. Make sure to use excellent Parmesan and you’ll be OK.
Oh my,I should have eaten something first before I came here! Your sandwiches are awesome!
Thank you Alisa, appreciate it 🙂