Sometimes little things can really show the differences in culture. I was visiting Denmark recently, buying the roll below at the local baker. As I was about to leave the bakery, I saw a woman coming to the door through the glass window. I opened the door to hold it for her, but instead of coming inside, she looked at me and stepped aside to let me out. In Denmark, chivalry is dead if it ever existed, and this woman realized that I got to the door first, and so I should use it first. She did not for one second consider I was holding the door for her. Being Danish, and hungry, I left the baker letting the door fall shut behind me. Perhaps this is the price of equality between the sexes, 50 years of hard struggle in Denmark. No man should hold the door for a woman, because “Don’t they think we can do it ourselves?” Danish women often think that men being chivalrous are a sign from the men that they feel superior. I guess you can argue both ways, but a glimpse into my old culture that could perhaps use an upgrade. My sister loves it when I hold the doors, so there is still hope.

Sandwich Recipe
- 1 roll
- Butter
- 3 slices of jalapeno chorizo (or another gourmet salami)
- 1 slice of corned beef
- 1 tbs liver pate
- 8-10 leaves of chervil
Cut the roll in half and butter both sides. On one side, add the chorizo, then half the chervil leaves.
On the other half, add the salted meat, spread the liver pate on top, and lay out the other half of the chervil leaves.
Eat each side by itself, or double-over the sandwich for a truly grand experience.