When you live close to the Mexican border, you can’t help but be inspired by the fantastic Mexican cuisine. San Diego has to some extent adapted many of the traditional Mexican dishes and turned them American. The burrito, nowhere to be found in Mexico, is an American invention that pervades the fast-food culture here. That’s not a bad thing by the way, since I happen to love a good burrito (the best in town can be found in Del Mar at the Mucho Gusto joint). Carne asada is truly Mexican, and is usually flank steak, spiced up. The one we used is from a local butcher that makes his own spices, and it’s very very good, oh yes, veeery good.

Sandwich Recipe
- 1 slice of great fresh bread
- 2 tbs of tarragon garlic spread
- 2 oz of hot carne asada straight off the grill
- 1 tsp lemon juice (a quick squirt)
Grill the carne asada on your BBQ so it gets grill marks, but remains moist inside.
Cut the bread. Spread the garlic spread. Stack the Meat. Eat. Love. Pray.

Do they sell tarragon garlic spread at the store or is there a recipe?
They sell it at the farmers market around San Diego. We have experimented to no ends trying to make it ourselves, and one of the vendors finally let us in on the secret: You need an industrial strength puree machine (big blender). The regular household blenders are not strong enough to get all the oils out of the garlic.
So try your local farmers market. Oh, and we’ve seen regular garlic spreads a few times at Henry’s and Stater Bros, so we assume it’s spreading. If you find that, simply add your favorite spices and mix it up.