This classic turkey sandwich is perfect for those thanksgiving leftovers. The cranberry relish brings back Thanksgiving dinner itself and each bite becomes a package of memories melting in your mouth. This was perhaps the best of our three thanksgiving 2009 leftover sandwiches, and of course entirely Wendie’s creation. Yummy!
Turkey Sandwich With Cranberry Relish and Goat Cheese
Our first creation introducing our Mascarpone Pesto, which turned out to be a brilliant spread for sandwiches and even pizzas. This is one of our leftover turkey sandwiches from Thanksgiving, a fresh creation with a little crunch from the cucumber, and a lot of taste from the pesto.
Turkey Sandwich On An English Muffin With Mascarpone-Pesto, Cucumber, Cranberry Relish and Avocado
I love eggs. I know there are people who can only enjoy eggs if it is combined with mulitiple other ingredients that camouflage the taste of the eggs themselves. Anders is one of those and for him, omelets is the solution. But for me there are those evenings when all I want for dinner is a meal of well-scrambled eggs. This was one of those times. This little delight was paired with a creamy garlic paste and served with tomatoes on lighty toasted English muffin.
Egg Sandwich with Tarragon Infused Creamy Garlic Paste and Tomatoes