Fresh bread, need we say more?
These are from PublicUs in Las Vegas…

Fresh bread, need we say more?
These are from PublicUs in Las Vegas…
We love light spring-sandwiches that brings out the best in the ingredients such as heirloom tomatoes or burrata cheese. For this one we happened to have a bit of both, plus some of our homemade dukkah which is perfect for sandwiches like this. We also recently bought an amazing Lavender Vinegar from VivaOlivia which worked perfectly with the mild burrata and the pop-pop of bursting tomatoes as you chew.
Continue reading Rosemary-Olive bread with Burrata, Lavender Balsamico, Dukkah and Baby Tomatoes
Last weekend I decided to try making Pane Siciliano bread. It’s not an easy decision, as it is a three day process which involves overnight rising in the refrigerator, twice. On day one, I made the Pâte Fermentée, which was stored overnight to get some taste. The next day, the Pâte Fermentée was used as ingredient in the Pane Siciliano dough, which again, was set to rise overnight. The last day, I removed the dough to get room temperature, but something had gone wrong. The bread had not risen. Or maybe it had. It was hard to say. It was about 75% larger than the day before, but surely not doubled. Also, it had flattened out. This typically means there is not more rise to be had, so the only choice at that time was to bake it.
After a visit to the local 99c Market (Asian grocery store), we got inspired by their roasted ducks and decided to make a panini sandwich. We have to admit though, the duck was of pretty poor quality which ruined the sandwich once we ate it, but if we had had a decently home-roasted duck we both feel confident this would have been a great sandwich. We also partly made this because of Ujin, who at the time had been interviewing us for an article in a Chinese youth-magazine. Respectfully we named the sandwich after her.
We’re not sure this is a classic Danish open faced sandwich in the sense that the toppings are a bit untraditional. Fried sage and Dukkah? That’s not what you would typically see in a Danish sandwich shop. But the concept is very typical: Meatball sandwiches are seen everywhere and classic toppings includes sweet pickles, lettuce and mushrooms. We just improvised on the theme, adding a bit of San Diego flair…
Continue reading Meatball Sandwich With Homemade Sour Cream Dressing And Fried Sage
Unlike many of my American friends who were tormented by liver as children, I actually do like liver. Well, I do if either my mother or I made the dish. Oh… and I shouldn’t forget that liver breakfast served by the Pegasus hotel in Jamaica. At least, they used to when I frequented that place about 10 years ago. Liver just happens to be one of those dishes that can so easily cross the very thin line between sumptuous and sickening, light and leathery. This is especially true of cow’s liver, which I have been unfortunate enough to dive it only to find myself masticating like a cow! For that reason, I prefer to eat liver only from people whose cooking abilities I can entrust my liver eating palate only to – those who have consistently demonstrated the ability to respect that line of demarcation. Until I discovered liver pate, I thought that was a realm occupied only by myself and the chef at Pegasus. Liver pate is one of those dishes that are remarkably forgiving of overcooking. I’ve never made liver pate myself but have been happily eating it since Anders introduced me to it on my first trip to Denmark a few years back. It is the key part of one of his favorite smørrebrød items.
Continue reading Warm Liver Patê Sandwich With Danish Bacon, Fried Onions, Sweet Pickles and Beets
This past week one of this blogs co-founders celebrated his birthday and was given a party that in true Amazing Sandwich style. Anders was not only born in Denmark but spent most of his life there and it is his and that country’s commitment to the sandwich that served as the inspiration for our blog. Denmark is the world that has transformed this humble meal to gourmet standards. So it was only appropriate that Anders’ birthday be celebrated with an ode to the smørrebrød. So last week saw me scurrying about to purchase the necessary ingredients that would make Ida Davidsen proud. Ida Davidsen is the Grande Dame of Danish smørrebrød and operates a Michelin-starred restaurant devoted solely to this national dish. We planned on three of Anders’ favorite Danish smørrebrød: leverpostej (liver pate), Fiskefilet med remoulade (fillet of fish with remoulade) and frikadeller (meatballs). Today’s entry will be devoted to the fiskefilet. I know you are thinking – what could be so special about a fish fillet? Let me tell you my friend, this is no mere fish on bread. The preparation, construction and… alone took me hours. We had 14 at our party and so in making for your own, you’ll need to adjust the ingredients accordingly.
This is a simple sandwich for people in a rush (well, assuming you have the ingredients available). You need some hummus, and a bit of really good mozzarella, like this buffalo mozzarella which is smooth and creamy. We make our own hummus, which is a variation on this recipe: Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Hummus. This is a spicy hummus with cilantro and banana peppers instead of the sun-dried tomato basil.