Occasionally simple is king. Crispbread, Goat cheese and fig-walnut compete turned our afternoon into afternoon delight.

Occasionally simple is king. Crispbread, Goat cheese and fig-walnut compete turned our afternoon into afternoon delight.
Our friends Shelley and Jens have a thing for stuff that is deep fried. Being from the south, Shelley grew up frying fowl, but Jens is Danish and just developed a taste for it after meeting Shelley (we think). In any case, their love is strong so for Jens’ birthday last month, they had a ‘bring stuff to deep-fry’ party. We had deep fried chicken legs and thighs and wings, battered deep fried shrimp, deep fried Twinkies (Better than un-fried I might add, although still disgusting), and of course we brought; Sandwiches. We were a bit shocked to discover this, but of course someone has done this before, and there is a famous sandwich called the Monte Cristo with turkey, ham and cheese, and served with sugar and jam on top; a sweet, possible dessert, sandwich. So, we made it (and it was good, but fattening like a neutron bomb in your belly). This was an evening party and we forgot our good camera, so please excuse the photo quality…
Continue reading The ArtiClogger: Monte Cristo Cinnamon Sandwich (Poway Style)
When you are in a rush, Oats Crispbread (or knækbrød as it is called in Denmark) is the way to go. Slap on some cheese and jam and you have a very tasty snack. This is everyday food in Scandinavia and criminally ignored in the US. Simple and good.