Tag Archives: Salt

Danish Meatball Sandwich with Blueberries

It was Tuesday, and I want to write it was raining cats and dogs, but I live in San Diego so the weather was really very nice, just like the last 6 months or so. In any case, I got a crazy craving for Danish meatballs, and on my way home from work I had to stop to get some ground beef and pork. Danish Meatballs are called “Frikadeller” (singular form is frikadelle), and they can be made from many types and blends of meats, but this is a classic.

The sandwich itself is a ciabatta roll with ducks fat and roasted garlic smear. Two meatballs are heated and cut in half, and topped with stone ground mustard. A bit of sea-salt is sprinkled on, and it’s decorated with blueberries and a pickle. Fantastic sandwich.  The blueberries jumped out of my pantry at me, and I thought I would give it a go.

Danish Meatball (Frikadelle) Sandwich on Ciabatta Roll with roasted garlic, mustard and blueberries
Danish Meatball (Frikadelle) Sandwich on Ciabatta Roll with roasted garlic, mustard and blueberries

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Danish Meatball (Frikadelle) Recipe

This is another of those recipes that we have to add to this otherwise exclusive sandwich blog. These Danish meatballs are great for sandwiches, and will be used in some of our other posts. They also happen to be the national food of Denmark, and is consumed by everyone by bulk. They are great with mashed potatoes (Which in turn is great on mashed potato sandwiches), or as a side to a salad. Total cooking time is about 50 minutes, some of which is spent waiting for the meat to cool down before frying. Simple.Easy.Good.

While this recipe is ingrained as part of the danish culture, we notices that some american blogs have also gotten a hold of it, most noticeably the excellent simply recipes which we love to read. It’s nice to see these easy and excellent frikadeller spreading out in the world.

Danish Meatballs (Frikadeller) with Fennel Seeds and Onion
Danish Meatballs (Frikadeller) with Fennel Seeds and Onion

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Roast Beef Sandwich with Capers, Sweet Dill Pickles and Fried Onions

The roast beef sandwich is yet another classic piece of smørrebrød. Generous layers of roast beef are stacked with remoulade, capers, sweet dill pickles, fried onions, salt and pepper. It comes with a variety of options, such as different smears (duck fat, butter, roasted garlic or mustard like this one). Typically it also has a nice little dash of shredded horseraddish, but I couldn’t find any on the day I made this.

Roastbeef Sandwich
Roastbeef Sandwich

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Classic Danish Cheese Sandwich

The classic Danish cheese sandwich is extravagent to say the least. This one, from the restaurant Peter Liep, represents the extreme amount of cheese that is needed. In fact, we couldn’t even see the bread when it was served.

Classic danish cheese sandwich
Classic danish cheese sandwich

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Tomato Sandwich

Tomatoes on Spinach Ciabatta Roll. For this sandwhich, we recommend heirloom tomatoes at their peak of ripeness. You also want to use the tomatoes at room temperature. The flavors are more intense here. We used Black Krim grown in our backyard garden, and added a pinch of Dukkah to bring home the flavor. This is perhaps the most essential way to make a tomato sandwich, using only tomatoes, and it can really only be pulled off succesfully when they are very fresh and tasty.

Tomato on smoked cream cheese with Dhukka sandwich
Tomato with Dhukka sandwich

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