Somewhere out there, people are making meatballs with no meat, which seems oddly disturbing to me. At least call them something else :-). This sandwich, however, has genuine meaty meatballs (danish Frikadeller), plus no less than two cheeses, and a bit of the brilliantly hot Chinese black bean chili sauce which we have found really useful for sandwiches when used modestly.

Meatball Sandwich Recipe
- 1 sesame bagel (We used one from Costco – they are great for impromptu sandwiches)
- 1 tbs olive oil
- 2 slices of mozzarella (about 4 tbs)
- 2 meatballs (Danish frikadeller)
- 1 tsp black bean chili sauce
- 3 thin slices of Pecorino Romano cheese (also from Costco). That’s about 2 tbs, but slice is, don’t grate it.
Cut the bagel in half, and drizzle the olive oil on the inside of both halves. Place the mozzarella on one side (avoid hole, it runs through), and the pecorino romano on the other side. Spread the black bean chili sauce on the pecorino romano cheese, and cut the two meatballs in half and spread on top of the mozzarella on the other side.
Toast it all in a toaster oven until both sides of the bread turns golden brown (see the photos for more detail). Close the sandwich, and enjoy while hot!