There are some thinks that don’t translate so well across cultures. Bagels might be one of them. It was a dreary afternoon in Copenhagen, Denmark, when I walked into the Bagels Corner. A bit hungry I could not get myself to settle for a plain cream cheese bagel, so instead I opted for the luxury bagel (Choice of smoked salmon, shrimp, pesto chicken, Mexican chicken, etc). I decided on pesto chicken, and selected a whole-wheat bagel with rolled oats on top. Looked great. Then the lady asked me for what type of cream cheese I wanted. Cream cheese? Whaaaat? I decided to see where this would go, so I picked the herb-cream cheese. She added a generous layer. Then the pesto chicken (lots of it), then lettuce, cucumber, corn, and finally she asked me to pick a dressing. I selected the curry dressing. Again she added a generous layer on top, and closed up the bagel. Oh dear!

It was enormous. It was also overstuffed, cold, with sort-of dry crumb, and it had cream cheese on it which I can only imagine is due to a love for all things American. I could hardly bite it. Each bite forced as much stuffing out the back as what went in my mouth. It also tasted, well, bad. The cream cheese has no place on a lunch bagel, and it destroyed all the other ingredients. The chicken was bland, and even tasting a piece by itself I could not make out any hint of pesto. It was green though, so clearly someone had made an attempt at it.
I won’t recommend this place, but it made for an interesting cultural sandwich experience. Dear Bagels Corner; size is not everything !
2 stars of 5 for this type of food group.

Bagel Corner
Finsensvej 16
2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
+45 2078 0823
It looks almost like it was from den sorte gryde. There is a thing to be said about modesty in foods. Personally I think the presentation of food is half the meal. If it looks like something that was created without love, then it might also taste that way.
Ohh my God! That is truly a proletarian presentation of food.
if you want a good bagel in copenhagen, go to “the bagel company”!
they have over 10 stores. they are modestly generous and absolutely delicious!