One of our favorite bakeries in San Diego is the Hillcrest bakery Bread & Cie. Not only are the breads good, it is also one of the only decent bakeries making rustic breads, ‘rustic’ being one of those words that can mean anything to anyone. To us, rustic means that it does not look like a soggy machine produced block of bread, and that the crust is crunchy, and the crumb tasty. “You know it when you taste it”, we say. With a little help from Costco, we found some more of their great cilantro lime shrimp, and having some leftover homemade Caesar dressing, we took this baby for a spin.
Pastrami Sandwich On Onion Roll With Caesar Dressing and Lime Shrimp
We’ve found lately that mascarpone cheese is excellent for making all sorts of delicious mixes. Mascarpone pesto for example we used on a turkey sandwich a few weeks ago. This time we are taking it a notch up, and are making a mascarpone melt with Spanish valdeon cheese and black sesame seeds plus roasted garlic. We use this as a spread for the bread and a topping for the pastrami after melting it in the microwave. Great food !
Pastrami Sandwich With Melted Mascarpone/Valdeon Cheese Melt
Another trip to good old Trader Joe’s on a rainy Friday afternoon yielded some new ingredients for sandwiches that we just had to try. Here is our first go at a chicken truffle mousse Pâté, which almost melts when heated, but tastes quite nice. The scrambled eggs was of course the brainchild of Wendie, who every few weeks has urgent cravings for scrambled eggs. And if you wonder what the letters in the background of the pictures says, this is an old Swedish container called Madam Blue used for soap (sæbe). We got these from Anders’ mother, some of the last memories of his Swedish childhood cottage near Hyltebruk.