After a week of large, fun, great sandwiches, we thought it was time to scale back to something simple. This is a cracker, with homemade yogurt cheese, and sliced red bell pepper. It doesn’t get much simpler when it comes to food than this, plus this is a great appetizer for parties or get-togethers’. If you are making the yogurt cheese yourself, then remember to start the day before.
Homemade Yogurt Cheese on Cracker with Red Bell Pepper (Appetizer)
When all you want is a quick snack, this is a tasty in-between meals treat. The yogurt cheese and the capers make a nice pairing for the smoked salmon, and that’s really all there is to it. Very easy to make if you are hosting a party, or have friends dropping by, as long as you have prepared the yogurt for the yogurt cheese the day before.
Cracker topped with yogurt cheese, smoked salmon and capers (Appetizer)
We love lavash crackers, and I mean really love them, and we’ll typically eat them just plain. Sometimes though, it’s good to add a little extra, and since we were grilling vegetables yesterday, we thought this little appetizer would be a great way to use the lavash. In this case we didn’t score the lavash before baking so instead we broke it into large rustic pieces. That’s another great way of presenting them, and of course with bigger pieces comes the opportunity to layer other ingredients on top.
Lavash appetizer with Olive Tapenade, Grilled Zuchini and Roasted Garlic
There are times when a full sandwich is too much, and no sandwich is too little. Thankfully, for those times there are appetizers such as this. To justify adding this to the blog, I call it a ‘cracker sandwich’ (For which I received a scowl from my fellow sandwich maker). Anyway, the Saint Faron is a cheese we got at Costco this weekend. It’s very mild (So make sure to enjoy it at room temperature), and brags being a ‘French Triple Crème Cow’s Milk Cheese’. At the risk of being labelled uneducated, what is ‘triple crème‘ exactly? I mean, does it come from three different cows? Can I have their names? Someone explain this to me.
Saint Faron Cheese Cracker "Sandwich" with Blueberries and Yellow Pear Tomato
This is a great little appetizer, very easy to make (even the tuna salad is easy), and you can put it together in 5 minutes flat. The sweetness of the Digestive biscuit and the red bell pepper matches the tuna salad very well.
Tuna Salad on Digestive biscuit with Chopped Red Bell Pepper
Hungry for a snack, I found some cilantro lime shrimp from Costco in the fridge, along with a bit of smoked salmon. In about 1 minute I had created this little post-lunch cracker, which would also work great as an appetizer for a party. The cracker used here is a water cracker, but I think I would prefer something a little more rustic next time.