One sandwich I have never gotten around to liking is the chicken salad sandwich. Perhaps it’s because I was introduced to it at a deli counter. The mayonnaise was so plentiful that I could hardly taste the chicken. Since then I’ve stayed away from all chicken salads, and supermarket deli counter foods for that matter. Still searching for a quick meal last night I decided to attempt to make my own and thereby kill two birds with a single chicken breast: rescue the chicken salad from mayonnaise hell and make a week night meal in time for Anders and I to enjoy a date night (go see the movie Unstoppable). Both were handily accomplished.
Tag Archives: Capers
Chicken Salad Sandwich With Capers and Parmesan
As our kitchen renovation draws nearer to its conclusion, and after having lived for weeks now with a dusty house, no kitchen, a fridge in the garage, and the top of our washing machine as our kitchen counter, we remember this sandwich from our ‘old kitchen’ days. This is made from a great chicken Wendie made which we turned into ‘chicken salad #2‘ and added to a fresh slice of roasted garlic bread with capers and Parmesan on top. We also torched the Parmesan a little to give it a golden look, and to achieve the oddly comforting feeling of warmth near the top of the sandwich. Saturday we are getting married, so the frequency of posts have significantly eased of as our backyard weddings draws nearer. We will post lots of sandwiches after the wedding 🙂

Chicken Salad #2
When you make chicken, a great idea for all the little leftovers that can be picked from the bones is to make a chicken salad. Unlike what you find in a grocery store, chicken salad should not be a vast ocean of mayonnaise with small islands of chicken. The mayonnaise and mustard is there to add taste, but mostly to hold it all together.
Chicken Salad Recipe #2
- 5 oz chicken meat in small pieces
- 2 tbs mayonnaise
- 1 tsp mustard
- 2 tbs peperiono seeds
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1/2 tsp curry
- 1 tbs + 1 tsp shredded Parmesan
- 1 tsp capers
- 2 tsp kalonjo seeds (name?)
Make sure the pieces of chicken are fairly small, and then mix all ingredients but the capers together. At the end add the capers and carefully mix a little more.
See a sample sandwich here: Chicken Salad Sandwich With Capers and Parmesan
Appetizer: Cucumber With Smoked Salmon, Curry-Fraîche, Capers and Dill
A fresh little appetizer for parties or just for Wednesday night. It’s so easy to make, there really is no reason not to make everyday food a little more interesting. This is also our first ‘sandwich’ without bread, so we’re now starting to push the envelope of our sandwich blog :-).
Surprise your loved one with appetizers after a long day at work, and you’ll be the star of the evening.

Continue reading Appetizer: Cucumber With Smoked Salmon, Curry-Fraîche, Capers and Dill
Cracker Topped with Yogurt Cheese, Smoked Salmon and Capers (Appetizer)
When all you want is a quick snack, this is a tasty in-between meals treat. The yogurt cheese and the capers make a nice pairing for the smoked salmon, and that’s really all there is to it. Very easy to make if you are hosting a party, or have friends dropping by, as long as you have prepared the yogurt for the yogurt cheese the day before.

Continue reading Cracker Topped with Yogurt Cheese, Smoked Salmon and Capers (Appetizer)
Homemade Tuna Salad with Capers
It’s easy to buy pre-made tuna salads in a store, but it’s so much more fun and creative to do it yourself. The whole process takes about 5 minutes, and you get exactly the taste you want. Spice it up, or keep it mellow. This is our recipe for tuna salad, but every time we make it we change a thing or two. You will find this version on some of our upcoming sandwiches, such as the Tuna Salad Appetizer. Bon Appétit.
Cod Roe Sandwich with Remoulade, Capers, Fried Onions, Roasted Garlic and Ground Green Pepper
While this particular sandwich was made with cod roe from a can, we recommend you convince your local fishmonger to get you some fresh roe (especially if you can get it smoked). However this was all we had to work with. The sandwich is simple, yet classically Danish. A toasted piece of bread is smeared with roasted garlic. Add cod roe and squeeze lime on top. Top with remoulade, capers, fried onions and ground green pepper. Very good, and an upgrade from the sandwiches schoolchildren get to take to school in their backpacks. A reminder of my childhood school lunches.. but much improved.

Smoked Mackerel Salad Sandwich with Tomatoes and Sweet Basil
This sandwich can be thrown together quickly if you have a little left over smoked mackerel (and don’t we all sometimes). Be careful not to overpower the subtle taste of mackerel.

Continue reading Smoked Mackerel Salad Sandwich with Tomatoes and Sweet Basil
Roast Beef Sandwich with Capers, Sweet Dill Pickles and Fried Onions
The roast beef sandwich is yet another classic piece of smørrebrød. Generous layers of roast beef are stacked with remoulade, capers, sweet dill pickles, fried onions, salt and pepper. It comes with a variety of options, such as different smears (duck fat, butter, roasted garlic or mustard like this one). Typically it also has a nice little dash of shredded horseraddish, but I couldn’t find any on the day I made this.

Continue reading Roast Beef Sandwich with Capers, Sweet Dill Pickles and Fried Onions