Tag Archives: Onions

Liver Pate Sandwich with Onion and Garlic Spread on Sesame Bagel

Sometimes a simple sandwich is the best; this one has Maria’s liver pâté, onion, creamy garlic paste and a little onion. A perfect combo, so despite an urge add more, we stuck to ‘simple’. After being sick with the cold for 5 days, this was also pretty much what we could handle, as we were both exhausted. It’s nice to recover with a great sandwich, and we hope to get back to creating some great new ones this upcoming weekend. Thanksgiving is also approaching, so if anyone has great turkey sandwiches, let us know and we just might give them a try!

Liver Pate Sandwich with Onion and Garlic Spread on Sesame Bagel
Liver Pate Sandwich with Onion and Garlic Spread on Sesame Bagel

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Grilled Eggplant and Tomato Stacked Sandwich with Roasted Tomato Pesto

If you are a regular reader of this fledgling blog (Hey who am I kidding here? I don’t even think my dearly loved sister is herself a regular reader.  But I can dream, can’t I?), you will note that the sandwiches here have a strong carnivore bent and as one kind reader was astute enough to note, had a bit of a “Dagwood” style.  For that I blame Anders as he eats way more sandwiches than I do and so it stands to reason that this blog is populated with his preferred dinner choices.  This next one is born of a weekend’s inspiration and my winning the battle in Kitchen Central!   I love eggplants, even if they seem to hate the soil in my garden – which must be the reason why although I can get squash and tomatoes to grow in profusion, healthy growing eggplants continue to elude me.

Lucky for me we live close to a well-stocked Middle-Eastern supermarket which never seems to run out of eggplants. Thanks to them I was able to make this tomato eggplant marriage come to life.  (P.S. The tomatoes are from our garden).  An advanced warning; this recipe is not one you slap together in 10 minutes. It takes a little thought and might be best accomplished over a lazy weekend day. I have been known to do this in the middle of the week but it does take a wee bit of planning.

Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Stack Sandwich with Parmesan
Grilled Eggplant and Tomato Stack Sandwich Roasted Tomato Pesto

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Veggie Sandwich with Grilled Zucchini, Mustard, Olive Oil, Olive Tapenade, Roasted Bell Peppers, Pecorino Romano Cheese, Paprika and Tarragon Mustard

Wendie said: “This is the ultimate vegetarian sandwich.  I have been threatening to make this for Anders since our recent trip to Denmark inspired us delve more deeply into the world of sandwiches.  While I am convinced that Anders’ Y chromosome predisposes him to a love of all things meat, I was convinced that even he would be wooed by the taste of freshly grilled veggies united with homemade tapenade on a lightly toasted roll. What else could you ask for?”

Anders replied: “Meat!”

That’s how our discussions sometimes goes, but Wendie always wins of course. 🙂 This is, however, a great meal. We highly recommend that you take the time to go shopping for tarragon mustard, as it works much better on this sandwich than regular plain mustard. Anders loved this sandwich, so it’s not just for vegetarians.

Veggie Sandwich with Roasted Zuchini, Mustard, Olive Oil, Olive Tapenade, Roasted Bell Peppers, Pecorino Romano Cheese, Paprika and Tarragon Mustard
Vegetarian Sandwich with Grilled Zucchini, Mustard, Olive Oil, Olive Tapenade, Grilled Bell Peppers, Pecorino Romano Cheese, Paprika and Tarragon Mustard

Continue reading Veggie Sandwich with Grilled Zucchini, Mustard, Olive Oil, Olive Tapenade, Roasted Bell Peppers, Pecorino Romano Cheese, Paprika and Tarragon Mustard